Saturday, May 29, 2010

the big decision again

hi everyone i am in big trouble here my guinea pig termite (summer) well she is starting to get really mean and she is not the guinea pig i thought she would be ladybug said if tanya honey bees friends mom might take her they don't have any pets and they really want one but i wonder what i should do so please can you tell me what to do  i need some help please!!


  1. Some pets get anxious when their owners get anxious. Maybe you could try doing some deep, slow breathing before you pick up your Guinea Pig. I am not sure about Guinea Pigs, but must animals do better in a somewhat quiet environment. I wish I had more answers for you, Bug. {{{Hugs}}}

  2. Hi Bug, what is Summer doing? Is she being mean to the other g-pig or is she biting you? What's going on? Keeka

  3. She could be sick. Is she eating and drinking normally? A vet could tell you if there's something physically wrong. Guinea pigs have fragile bones and it's possible that she has a fracture. If she's in pain that would explain the "meanness."
    Pigs are very sensitive to loud noises and rough handling. Her reaction could be caused by fear.
    While they're cute and you want to cuddle them it's best done sparingly. Imagine if a giant picked you up out of your safe, cozy house. It would be scary, right?
    I don't believe in giving animals away if you can possibly avoid it. They're living things and they deserve respect and stability. I taught my children that bringing a pet home means a lifetime commitment.
    If there is a 4-H club in your area you can ask your mom to contact them to see if they know of any guinea pig hobbyists. They could give you expert advice. I really recommend taking Summer/Termite to a small animal vet, however.
